Terms of Use RE/MAX Blue Sky Realty

Acceptance of Terms of Use

By accessing, browsing and using the Blue Sky Realty website, you are deemed to have accepted these Terms of Use. Please be advised that these terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without notice.

These terms and conditions are supplemented by our Privacy Policy https://www.rlpduquartier.com/politique-de-confidentialite which is available on our website.

Lack of Legal Advice

The information published on our website is for informational purposes only and is intended only to present general information about Blue Sky Realty and the services we offer. Thus, the information should in no way be considered as a legal opinion in whole or in part.


Blue Sky Realty makes no warranty regarding access, operation and content of the website. In addition, while we strive to provide accurate, complete and up-to-date information, we cannot guarantee its quality, accuracy or completeness. Consequently, Blue Sky Realty cannot be held liable, at any time, for any damages, direct or indirect, resulting from your visit to this website.

Ownership, Copyright and Use of the Website

The content of this site is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of Blue Sky Realty. Your access to and use of the Website does not grant you any rights to its content. You may also not use the Website for commercial or resale purposes. We may restrict or prohibit access to the Website in our sole discretion at any time without notice.

Links to other sites

The Website may include links or references to websites or materials published by third parties for convenience or information. However, Blue Sky Realty is not responsible for, and has no control over, other sites or their activities, products, services or content. Therefore, Blue Sky Realty assumes no responsibility for them.

These terms and conditions were last updated on 2024-01-30